I authorize release of the information contained on this form as required under 49CFR 40.331, 382.413, 391.23 and other applicable requirements. I acknowledge that I have the right to due process as identified in 49CFR 391.23 to correct information submitted under this authorization.
The information being requested from the following company is done because it has been identified by the above driver applicant as a previous employer.
If YES, provide the following data elements for each as required by 49CFR 390.15(b)(1).
If yes , provide information on each such incident involving the driver applicant identified herein as appropriate.
If driver applicant performed Safety-Sensitive Functions, provide answers to each of the following:
Under 49CFR 391.23, failure to provide the above information should be reported to US DOT (FMCSA) following procedures specified in 49CFR 386.12